January 29th, 2025 was the first class of a new Crash Course in Holistic Locational Astrology. If you'd like a copy of the class, an mp4 download of our 2 hour, 25-minute Zoom meeting, please send me an email!
Starting on January 22nd, 2024 I'm hosting a Holistic Astrology Hangout every Monday night at 6 pm Pacific/9 pm Eastern. The goal is to have a flexible, affordable gathering of astrologically-curious souls that will be shaped by the interests and desires of this new community.
I recently gave one of the most important talks I'll ever give, and you can check it out for free on YouTube: Ceres: The Other Great Benefic.
I'm giving a free talk on Monday, October 30th at 12:30 pm Pacific time, talking about how astrology can lead us to true love and sharing some amazing stories. It's a part of the Love Mastery Immersion featuring lots of free content from a host of awesome people with unique approaches to the subject.
I'm honored to be one of the two Star Advisors with an incredible new, free astrology app called AstroStar Live. I sometimes give a free livestream and offer some free readings in Holistic Locational Astrology. You're invited to join the chat and become a part of this wonderful new community featuring lots and lots of real astrologers. You can also use the QR code.
The HOLISTIC LOCATIONAL ASTROLOGY MASTERCLASS is complete and available to download! Taught over 22 online classes in 2021-2022, the class is nearly 50 hours in length and provides the best in-depth class available on this cutting-edge subject.
I'll be speaking to a Turkish audience about Holistic Locational Astrology with live translation online, November 17th.
I have a new Patreon page, where you can pledge a monthly amount to support me in the creation of materials for Holistic Astrology..
A small number of 2021 One-Hour Year-Ahead readings are available in January for $200 ($100 off).
CYBER MOSES SALE 2020-2021! Check out the discounts available for a limited time only!
I was featured on Robert Cosmar's YouTube channel, and gave a powerful presentation about Astrocartography. Look for another YouTube interview with Gary Caton coming up this week!
For the first time in over a decade, I'll be teaching in-depth online classes on locational astrology, or Astrocartography, my area of expertise. Find out more on my classes page. Classes begin January 31st, 2019.
My online class, Holistic Astrology (Intermediate) is going well. If you'd like to get a free download of the first and second class, please send me an email. You're still welcome to join the class with a donation between $25 - $500. Our first four class topics were: timing events with outer planet transits, larger cycles, the astrologer (Moses) looking at his own chart, and working with highly sensitive clients.
I've added "42," a piece I wrote on the eve of my 42nd birthday.